
하튜 = heart-two (the S2 in my username is a heart ♡)they/them, 20
ENG/한/中OK, 日本語勉強中
Translations and archive for WEi. OT6 stan, Yongha biased! Mainly active when WEi are and I only talk about them + might mention their previous groups.


6. My purpose isn't to be an update or translation account! Just a RUi trying to make content more accessible to fellow i-fans
7. If you're going to repost any of my translation/edit/art please credit me properly (explicitly state my @)
8. I will hold my idols accountable should they make any mistakes
9. ^likewise, i’ll hold myself accountable for my own mistakes
10. I stan ot6 / I won't hold back from blocking akgaes and anyone who acts weirdly


1. I won't see interactions notifs unless I follow you, but my DMs are always open for anyone who wants to reach out
2. "(slow)" on my account = expect delayed updates.
3. Might tweet non-updates or translations - fancalls, art, etc.
4. I may fall behind updating my tls archive sometimes
5. Not a native english or korean speaker + i am always self studying and learning - please DM me if there’s ever a mistake!

Translation code

🐹🐶🐉🐰🐣🦊 = members
⭐ = RUi
🪐 = Universe PM
🫧 = Bubble PM
🌸 = my watermark
💬 = comment
( ) / [ ] = missing words /added info for context
t/n = translator's note

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